Super Easy DIY Dollar Tree Santa Gnome 

Such an amazingly easy but creative craft for you to make this season. The key word there is season. You can change this project up for what ever season you would like to showcase. This is a fun project that you are going to fall in love with so be sure to buy some extra items for the dollar store because you are going to want to make a few of these.

“This plump little Santa Gnome can be created with all things Dollar Tree! Can you believe he is made from two wine gift bags, rice and a mop head! In this tutorial I am going to break down the super easy instructions step by step for you.”

With your chosen items on hand these really are quite simple to make and also quite inexpensive so you can make a few without breaking the bank. Have a look through this step by step tutorial and get started on some of these today.

Super Easy DIY Dollar Tree Santa Gnome 

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