I made this for my family the other day and everyone loved it. Maybe to much however because there really wasn’t anything left for me to have a second bar. That is what happens sometimes when my teenagers have friends over. The only thing that I would change about this recipe is for me not to make it with a houseful of teenagers. You must try this recipe as I am sure you and your family will love it.

Can’t help but wonder if this was such a hit with teenagers, how would it have gone over with kids? Better yet how about a kids Star Wars party?

Star Wars has been a favorite party theme for children and adults alike, for many years. If it is boys or girls I think this would be a sensational hit. Have a look through this recipe and make a batch for your Star Wars lovers today.


A little more information about the Star Wars Ewoks

Despite their adorable outward appearance, Ewoks are too quickly underestimated. Fans often wonder how an armored Stormtrooper could be taken down by a bonk on the head with a rock. That’s because Ewoks are canonically just as strong as Wookies. You think there’s plush cushioning under all that fur? It’s pure muscle. Ewoks are strong enough to throw spears straight through plastoid armor. Those rocks aren’t just boo-boo makers, they’re skull-smashing dodgeballs when they’re hurled by an Ewok. For their small size, their proportionate strength ratio means the rocks they throw will tear through a Stormtrooper’s helmet like paper mache. Maybe it looks funny, but when a Stormtrooper ducks too slow, they don’t just shake it off and get back up off-screen because they’re incredibly deceased.

In addition to brawn, Ewoks have brains. They’re military geniuses. Using guerilla tactics, Ewoks move in unison to overwhelm their enemy with numbers. They’re brilliant engineers, having designed and built massive traps, snares, and catapults to combat foes much larger than themselves. It’s unlikely the Ewoks learned this kind of construction overnight. Ewoks developed these contraptions to defend themselves against the deadly megafauna of their moon. One of these native predators the Ewoks regularly contend with is the Gorax – giants who live in the mountains and sometimes attack the Ewok villages. The threat of these roaming beasts is one of the reasons why Ewoks build their villages high into the trees, away from the dangerous forest floor. With this context, scenes that might seem adorably pathetic – like Ewoks dragging behind an AT-ST with a trip rope – actually make more sense. They’ve done this maneuver before, this band of Ewoks just wasn’t prepared for the increased strength of the mechanized walker, compared to a Gorax.

When they’re not using their sheer might or sharp wit, Ewoks exhibit a frightening brutality that gives them an advantage in battle. Ewoks don’t always go for the quick kill. They use jagged weapons to make wounds that are hard to patch up. They aim poison-tipped arrows at the gaps between armor plates. They’re not interested in delivering instant death. Ewoks break your bones, damage your organs, and leave you helpless in the woods to die a slow and painful death. Though Ewoks have the front-set eyes of predators, they’re socially evolved to evoke underestimation. While an enemy is trying to figure out if an Ewok is dangerous, it’s likely they’ve already fallen into a trap they’re unlikely to escape

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