Red Velvet Dragonscale Cake

This is a delicious cake but in reality it is more to do with the design. These Dragon Scales look fantastic. There is a full tutorial and walk through on not only how to make this Red Velvet cake but full instructions on the design as well.

You are going to love this recipe and tutorial. This is defiantly a show stopper. Leave you friends and family in awe. Turns out that this is much simpler than it looks and when finished you will be amazed at yourself. Have a look as I am sure you are going to love it.

Red Velvet Dragonscale Cake

Another recipe that you may like:

Kool-Aid Pie

Using your favorite flavour of Kool-Aid in this delicious pie will surely become an immediate family favorite..Ingredients:1 pkg – Kool-Aid unsweetened any flavour (we used cherry)1 can of sweetened condensed milk1 graham crust1 pkg unflavoured gelatine (optional)Whip cream Directions:Empty the can of sweetened condensed milk into a microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 1 minute on high to heat the milk. Add the unflavoured gelatine (if you are not adding the unflavoured gelatine then you do not need to heat the milk in the microwave). If you do not think the milk is hot enough to dissolve the gelatine microwave for another 30 seconds. Add your Kool-Aid package to the milk and stir together until it starts to thicken. Fold in 2 large scoops of whip cream of whip cream. Pour this filling into a pie crust. Top with an additional layer of whip cream. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours and enjoy. ~If you are not using the gelatine the pie still works and tastes great. It will have more of a consistency of a soft cream pie but still very delicious. With the gelatine the pie has the same flavour but holds its shape together.

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