DIY Mouse Trap

I think that most of us at some point have had issues with mice in their house or yard. I know for myself I have had issues more times then I can count. I believe one of the biggest issues is that I had always had cats and they are great mousers. What a lot of people do not tell you however is if they catch a mouse outside they always feel the need to bring it in the house to show up.

So many times this little unwanted gifts gets way as the cat drops it for me to have a good look at it (in the cats view I guess) and off the little but still very much alive mouse scurries off under something.

I am not able or willing to put up the typical rat or mouse trap. I just can’t bring myself to do it. I have fortunately always lived in areas that I can safely for my neighbors sake, let the live mouse go out in the woods. So for me and I am sure many other, the catch and release mouse trap is my definite of to for rodent control.

DIY Mouse Trap

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