Different Ways to Grow Potatoes

How to Grow Potatoes: Trench and Hill Method
This method is one of the most common and it really does produce a pretty decent amount of potatoes. Try and true, always a go to method for most people.

Planting Potatoes in a Back to Eden Garden
Harvest and plant at the same time. A continuous growth of potatoes in this great method.

Potato Grow Bags
Potatoes like to be “hilled” up so a Potato grow bag gives exactly what what the Potatoes needs to thrive. Easy to use and can be put almost anywhere.

Potato Plants Growing in a Clothes basket
Perhaps you have one on ha or just pick a cheap one up at the dollar store.

Grow Potatoes in Tires
Perhaps you have just done a tire changeover. Now what to do with those old tires instead of taking them to the garbage dump? How about recycle them into growing your potatoes.
Growing Potatoes In Raised Bed
I think everyone either loves or is coming to love their raised garden beds. Growing potatoes is no different. They do great in a raised bed.

Hügelkultur Raised Bed
another great method for creating growing areas in a garden or on a small-scale farm or homestead

Growing Potatoes in Potato Towers
Great idea if you really don’t want to dig up your yard or garden. Easy to access and produces a lot of fantastic potatoes’.
How to Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes in 4 Square Feet
Nothing better then any vegies right out of the garden instead of the store. Well here is the best way to have your homegrown potatoes for the whole year.

Another great way to grow an abundance or potatoes in a small amount of space. Also, again no digging up your yard of garden.

Growing Potatoes In Straw Bales
Straw bales having come in to gardening in a big way. More and more people are choosing to go with the straw bale method.
Tips: for growing the best and healthiest Potatoes.
Spuds are easy to grow, but the wise gardener will benefit from some forethought and preparation.
Potatoes always do best in full sun. They are aggressively rooting plants, and we find that they will produce the best crop when planted in a light, loose, well-drained soil. Potatoes prefer a slightly acid soil with a PH of 5.0 to 7.0. Fortunately potatoes are very adaptable and will almost always produce a respectable crop, even when the soil conditions and growing seasons are less than perfect.
Always keep your potato patch weed-free for best results. Potatoes should be rotated in the garden, never being grown in the same spot until there has been a 3-4 year absence of potatoes.