35+ Tasty Vegan BBQ & Grilling Recipes

A vegan diet is based on plants (such as vegetables, grains, nuts and fruits) and foods made from plants. Vegans do not eat foods that come from animals, including dairy products and eggs. Now although this diet may not be for everyone it is becoming more and more popular with people of all ages. for a variety of reasons people are turning away from animal based products.

Even if we are not Vegans ourselves I am sure that we know someone who is. It can be very difficult to plan a BBQ for someone who is Vegan and eats differently then we do.

These recipes are definitely the answer. Down right delicious even for the non-vegans out there. These recipes would be enjoyed by everyone. Have a look through this list and get started on some of these today.

35+ Tasty Vegan BBQ & Grilling Recipes


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